A Victoria Falls school teacher has been slapped with a 10-year jail term for raping his tenant’s 15-year-old epileptic daughter.


Dennis Mazarira (40) of Chinotimba in Victoria Falls who was being represented by Givemore Muvhiringi, was denying the rape charge when he appeared before Hwange regional magistrate Dambudzo Malunga on Wednesday.

Malunga, however, convicted and sentenced him to 10 years in jail, but two years were suspended on condition of good behaviour for the next five years.

In passing sentence, the magistrate said Mazarira did not show any remorse for his actions and instead gave a “movie style” defence stating that he came from the beer hall drunk and stripped naked in his room intending to sleep. Malunga said Mazarira further claimed that suddenly the 15-year-old girl appeared from nowhere pulled him to her bedroom and locked him inside.

The magistrate said Mazarira’s actions show that he deserved incarceration.

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The girl testified over three days as she suffered three separate epileptic attacks, while giving evidence forcing the court to adjourn prematurely each day.

Prosecutor Bheki Tshabalala told the court that on August 31 this year at 9pm, Mazarira sneaked into the girl’s room. The girl had taken epileptic tablets and was feeling dizzy at that moment. He stripped her naked and raped her.

The girl woke up and discovered Mazarira in the act of raping her. She jumped off and ran out of the room before locking the door from outside. She informed their neighbour about the rape.

The neighbour visited the room and found Mazarira still in and a police report was made leading to the arrest of the rapist.