A HWANGE man who stole a cellphone belonging to a hooker he had hired and ran away from her without paying for the services, has been handed a six-month imprisonment term.

By Nokuthaba Dlamini

Stanislaus Kwanele Moyo (21) of Number E12 in Madumabisa appeared on Friday before Hwange magistrate Portia Mhlanga charged with theft.

He was convicted on his own plea of guilt.

For the State, Trymore Chitumbu told the court that on an unknown date, but during the month of July, Moyo who was coming from a bar at midnight proceeded to Betty Moyo’s (32) place of residence at house number A121B for sexual intercourse in exchange for money.

The two agreed on $5 for one round, but however, after the sexual pleasure, Moyo allegedly snatched a Nokia Lumia which was in Betty’s hands and bolted out of the house before he could pay $5.

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Efforts to chase him were fruitless as he disappeared in the bush.

His luck, however, ran out on Sunday afternoon, after he was spotted by the complainant at Hwange bus terminus.

Betty immediately alerted the police, leading to his arrest.

The value of the stolen phone was $60. Moyo says he sold the cellphone and bought more beer.

Mhlanga sentenced Moyo to six months. Four months was suspended on condition that Moyo performs 140 hours of community service at Ingagula Primary School, while the other two were suspended on condition that he restitute the complainant $60 for her cellphone.