VILLAGERS in the Gwampa resettlement area in Nkayi have bemoaned the lack of educational facilities in their area, which they blamed for their children’s poor pass rates.


Local councillor Edward Ncube told Southern Eye yesterday that the area only had two classroom blocks for both primary and secondary classes.

“The situation is very pathetic here, there is only one primary school, St Thomas, with only two blocks used interchangeably by both primary and secondary school pupils since the other schools, Hompani, Magutsheni and Guwe Secondary schools are 20km away from us,” he said.

Ncube said secondary classes started last year with Form 1 pupils only. He said villagers were planning to pool their resources together and build classrooms for a secondary school, although they were to get a plan from the Department of Physical Planning.

“We are appealing to well-wishers to donate building material. The other challenge we are facing is lack of river sand. The council has so far donated two loads of river sand. Our Member of Parliament has also requested for a quotation of the budget so that he could donate some material,” Ncube said.

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Contacted for comment, Nkayi Rural District Council chief executive officer Zimbabwe Ndlovu said the local authority was seized with the matter.

“It’s true I can confirm that the council is already doing something about that by coming in to assist. Our pass rate is low and we are doing something in trying to decongest the schools. It is not the only one under construction, there are some in the district,’’ he said.