MUSICIAN and producer Clive “Mono” Mukundu today marks 30 years in the music industry with a triple launch of his 10th album, DVD tutorial and a new book detailing the operations of the local music industry.


The celebrations, to be held at Theatre in the Park in Harare, will see the unveiling of Acoustic Re-Visit (album), Poor and Famous (book) and the DVD Tutorial.

Mono said the triple launch was a celebration of the milestones he has achieved in the music industry over the last 30 years. “This year marks my 30 years in the music industry, so I am celebrating the milestones by launching three items,” he said. “We are only waiting for the day since everything is now in place.”

The album is made up of 10 tracks including Zivai Zvekuchema and Mari, which Mono hopes will rock the airwaves.

Mono said the guitar DVD tutorial, which is the first of its kind in the country, was aimed at teaching Zimbabweans different mbira and sungura guitar styles.

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“The idea behind the guitar DVD tutorial is to teach Zimbabweans mbira and sungura guitar styles which are unique to Zimbabwe,” he said.

Poor and Famous, which is Mono’s second publication after last year’s Mono Mukundu: Following the Melody, covers a wide range of issues on the local and international music industry.

“The inspiration behind this book is the state of the Zimbabwean music industry where most of us are poor and famous,” he said.