THE MDC leadership is set to decide on the councillor who will take up the Marondera mayoral post and put an end to the bruising battle threatening to divide the party.


This paper is reliably informed that MDC Marondera district chairperson Chengetai Murowa and long-serving councillor Dominic Matangira, who are both eyeing the top post, recently underwent interviews at the party headquarters.

The opposition party won the majority in the July 30 elections, with 11 council seats.

However, factionalism has reared its ugly head among the councillors with two camps gunning for Matangira and Murowa.

Matangira yesterday confirmed that he had an interview in Harare and that the decision from Richard Morgan Tsvangirai House (Harvest House) would finalise the mayoral issue.

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“I went for an interview in Harare, and we are now waiting for the decision on who is to take up the mayoral post,” he said.

The new mayor will take over from Zanu PF’s Anthony Makwindi who had replaced MDC-T’s Farai Nyandoro in 2013.

MDC Mashonaland East deputy organising secretary and councillor Bornface Tagwirei said despite the councillors supporting their own candidate, they were waiting for a directive from Harare.

“I know that seven of the councillors are in support of Murowa. In this case, we are not talking of a Zanu PF councillor’s decision, meaning that seven out of 11 want Murowa. However, the decision comes from Harare. The party leadership will appoint who they see fit,” Tagwirei said.

Meanwhile, the opposition party is currently divided in the province as officials align themselves along factional lines as the party prepares for its next congress.

In Marondera, two main factions being led by current leader Nelson Chamisa and another one reportedly backing the ascendancy of Douglas Mwonzora are already in existence.