THE Bulawayo City Council (BCC) has partnered with a local information communications technology (ICT) company to provide health education to residents.


According to the council’s latest monthly report, Bulawayo city fathers have given the health services department a nod to partner with Network Que Zimbabwe to disseminate health education information to residents at its clinics.

The company wrote a letter to the director of health services, Edward Sibanda last year, requesting to partner with the department in rolling out screens (monitors) at selected sites.

“To this end, we request that as you provide and approve the sites (hosting real estate), we provide and manage the hardware that will support your promotional campaigns through allocated slots for your department.

“This proposal is subject to discussion and subsequent reduction into a memorandum of understanding as Network Que Zimbabwe hopes to leverage on not only your real estate, but also on residents whom the messages will be targeting,” wrote the company to Sibanda.

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The department then sought permission from council to enter into a memorandum of agreement with the company, arguing that the arrangement would assist communities in accessing health information.