GWERU City Council has approved cost of living adjustment allowances (Cola) for workers, ranging from $300 to $500 per month.


The Cola will be paid together with their December salaries.

The resolution was made at an extraordinary council meeting held at Town House on Friday last week.

According to minutes of the meeting seen by Southern Eye, the allowances will be on a sliding scale with the lowest paid workers getting the highest amount.

Workers in grade one to seven will get $500 while middle management employees from grade eight to 12 will get $400.

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The city council top brass, which includes directors, chamber secretary and town clerk, will get $300.

Mayor Josiah Makombe yesterday confirmed the development.

“Yes, we had a meeting to deliberate on the welfare of our workers. We are giving them a cushioning allowance.

Things are expensive and life is hard out there due to the bad economy. So we need to look after our workers so that they can give quality services to our residents,” Makombe told Southern Eye.

“The figures might look small, but we had to guard against over-stretching our expenditure which was going to have a negative impact on service delivery. However, we feel the money we gave the workers is modest.”

In October this year, council workers were paid their 2019 bonuses, but want their salaries reviewed to match the cost of living.

“Negotiations for salary reviews are still going on, but for now we are paying the cushioning allowances,” Makombe said.