The government has succumbed to pressure from anti-corruption activists by cancelling a US$60 million contract awarded to Drax International to supply drugs and COVID-19 equipment to NatPharm without going to tender.

By Desmond Chingarande

The company is represented by Delish Nguwaya, who is reportedly linked to President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s son Collins.

It had already been paid close to US$1 million by the government for the supply of PPE to NatPharm.

In a letter addressed to NatPharm managing director Flora Nancy Sifeku, the Health ministry’s acting permanent secretary, Gibson Mhlanga directed the cancellation of all contracts for the supply and delivery of medicines and surgical sundries by Drax SAGL.

“You are being directed to cancel all contracts that you had with Drax SAGL with immediate effect.

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“Please be advised that this process needs to be completed by latest Friday June 12 and all documentation showing cancellation of the same to be submitted in my office by then,” reads the letter.

Mhlanga confirmed the cancellation to NewsDay, but referred all questions to the Finance ministry saying they are the ones who instructed the cancellation.

“Yes we cancelled at the instruction of the Ministry of Finance Economic development,” Mhlanga said.

Contacted for a comment, the permanent secretary in the Finance ministry George Guvamatanga referred NewsDay to Mhlanga, saying he was the best placed person to respond.