A BEITBRIDGE man, who attacked his landlord with an axe because he had attempted to stop him from feeding his dogs with chicken eggs, has been slapped with an effective four-year jail term.


Solomon Sigauke (31) denied an attempted murder charge when he appeared before Beitbridge magistrate Stanley Mambanje, but he was convicted and sentenced to five years in jail, with one year suspended on condition of good behaviour.

Prosecutor Munyonga Kuvarega told the court that the complainant in the matter, Samuel Moyo Chijekere (52), who owns a house in Dulibadzimu suburb in Beitbridge, was assaulted by Sigauke with an axe after he (Sigauke) fed the landlord’s dogs with eggs.

Kuvarega said Chijekere attempted to stop Sigauke but he went on to feed the dogs and this did not go down well with Chijekere, and, resultantly a quarrel ensured. He then struck Chijekere with an axe on the head and arms several times, which resulted in the landlord sustaining serious injuries and was subsequently hospitalised.

Sigauke was then arrested and charged with attempted murder. The State said Sigauke’s actions could have led to the death of Chijekere.

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