THE Thokozani Khupe-led MDC-T has discarded the idea of holding its extraordinary congress and instead decentralised voting to five provincial clusters which would allow 100 people at a given time to comply with COVID-19 protocols.

The elections are going ahead after expelled acting organising secretary Abednego Bhebhe’s application to stop the process was postponed to next week by Bulawayo High Court judge Justice Christopher Dube-Banda.

The party’s acting spokesperson Tapiwa Mashakada yesterday confirmed in a Press statement that the elections to select party leader were going ahead as planned on Saturday. “The much awaited extraordinary congress of the MDC-T is set to take place on Saturday the 19th of December 2020 simultaneously in various centres across the country, in a decentralised manner as approved by the Zimbabwe Republic Police and the Ministry of Health in terms of COVID-19 protocols,” Mashakada said in a statement.

“The decentralisation has been done in order to comply with COVID-19 protocols and no more than 110 people at any one time will assemble in the polling area,” read the statement.

He said social distancing would be strictly observed and all delegates would be properly masked. “Sanitisation and temperature will be compulsory both at personal level including the disinfection of the venues.

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“Adequate security arrangements have been put in pace to deal with intruders, malcontents and anticipated hooligans whose plans are already known and budgeted for,” he said.

Khupe will battle it out with interim secretary-general Douglas Mwonzora, national chairman Morgen Komichi and his deputy Elias Mudzuri.