TRAGEDY befell Nkayi villagers last week after two juveniles aged seven and eight drowned while trying to swim in Nkayi Dam.

Matabeleland North provincial police spokesperson Inspector Glory Banda said their bodies were retrieved by villagers about 30 metres away from the  shores of the dam.

“I can confirm that police received information from Nosizo Masina (31) involving the two missing juveniles who were last seen playing at Godini town around 2pm on March 8 in Nkayi.

“The informant, Masina who is also the mother of one of the two also got information that there were some clothes on the side of the Nkayi Dam behind Nkayi  Hospital,’’ Banda said.

Most major rivers in the country have been flooded following heavy rains which destroyed homes, bridges and other infrastructure.

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According to police, 59 people drowned in January this year after attempting to cross flooded rivers.

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