In an serious incident which highlights the dangers of fireworks, a four-year-old Harare toddler, Tanaka Masanga, lost a left eye on Sunday after a firecracker lit by his peers to celebrate New Year’s Day exploded in his face.

Tanaka’s father, Lawrence Masanga, confirmed the mishap yesterday, adding his son was immediately taken to Parirenyatwa Hospital for treatment.

The family lives in Mbare National suburb.

“I am not fully aware of what transpired during the day because I was in the house when my child was playing with other children in the streets,” Masanga said.

He, however, said he did not report the matter to police.

Last week, a 30-year-old Beitbridge man, Isaiah Tadzemba, lost two fingers after a firecracker accidentally exploded.

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The man was holding a Christmas Eve party with his children at his home when the incident took place. A firecracker is a small explosive device primarily designed to produce a loud bang and a mesmerising flame.

Of late, Zimbabweans have increasingly resorted to use of firecrackers to celebrate the beginning of Christmas and New Year holidays.