In a significant development aimed at bridging the gap between Zimbabwean professionals in the diaspora and local investment opportunities, Zimbabwe Accountants International (ZAI) and the Indigenous Advisory Practitioners Association of Zimbabwe (IAPAZ) have advanced their discussions into a strategic partnership. 

This collaboration, initiated during a virtual meeting on 21 September 2024, seeks to provide crucial information on investment opportunities within and outside Zimbabwe, while addressing key challenges faced by Zimbabwean professionals abroad.

Speaking on the partnership, IAPAZ Secretary General Last Matema highlighted the critical need for information sharing, particularly to assist newly qualified professionals in making well-informed decisions about migrating abroad. 

“We have seen a worrying trend where our newly qualified professionals hastily migrate from Zimbabwe with inflated expectations, only to face harsh realities in the diaspora. Many end up juggling two or three jobs to survive, which can lead to burnout and, in some cases, depression. This collaboration will provide young professionals with realistic insights into diaspora life, helping them make better decisions before leaving the country,” Matema explained.

The collaboration between ZAI and IAPAZ will focus on four key areas, with investment information sharing being a top priority. ZAI members interested in investing in Zimbabwe will be offered deep insights into the local investment landscape, while IAPAZ members seeking opportunities abroad will benefit from ZAI’s extensive international network.

“We will also jointly develop products aimed at increasing diaspora remittances to Zimbabwe.”

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"This partnership is a game-changer for both our members and the country," 

“IAPAZ brings a wealth of understanding regarding Zimbabwe’s investment ecosystem, while  ZAI, with its members predominantly based in Europe, and has strategic international connections. By leveraging each other's strengths, we aim to establish a solid support system for professionals, whether they opt to stay, return, or explore life in the diaspora," Matema added. 

Another crucial focus of the collaboration is supporting Zimbabwean professionals abroad who wish to return home. IAPAZ will help connect these individuals with local networks to ease their reintegration into Zimbabwe’s professional and social environments, ensuring they have the support needed to successfully transition back.

This partnership represents a critical step in addressing the challenges Zimbabwean professionals face both at home and abroad. It also creates pathways for meaningful investments and productive collaborations, ultimately benefiting the country’s economy and its citizens in the diaspora.