THE grandmother of an Entumbane High School pupil, who collapsed on Tuesday and allegedly sparked a mass hysteria among other students who sought to help her, yesterday said she was shocked by the incident and dismissed claims that her granddaughter was linked to the Satanism sect.

Report by Pamela Mhlanga

She said the girl started facing unusual problems after she was awarded a United States scholarship in December last year and she suspects the predicament of the 15-year-old girl to be a result of witchcraft from jealous people.

The girl, who stays with the grandmother in Njube, reportedly collapsed in class after she was allegedly found with a book believed to be linked to a Satanic sect.

When the girl fainted, seven other pupils who tried to assist her also reportedly followed suit and collapsed one after the other.

The grandmother, who cannot be identified to protect the minor’s identity, said the child was intelligent until she got the award. “It pains and angers me as a parent to hear all the allegations that my granddaughter is possessed by some evil spirits which have affected other pupils in the school,” she said.

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“I am telling you the truth that she is innocent, she has never touched any evil charms. I, her grandmother, has never applied any muti for her to pass in class.”

The grandmother said the girl, who was from a family of academics, possessed amazing academic capabilities which culminated in her receiving the award.

“She is also a prefect at school and she frequently presented in front of her classmates, but since the scholarship award, she now faints whenever she touches a book,” the grandmother said.

“Maybe it emanated from somewhere or from some individuals, but not from my granddaughter as she is innocent. The school can blame her and even chase her away, but only God knows the truth and he will vindicate her.”

A close relative said the girl was taken to a prophet on Wednesday who told the family that the girl was possessed by an evil spirit. “The prophet said she needs to be cleansed to fight the demon which torments her and that will be done on Sunday,” the relative said.

Bulawayo Provincial education director Dan Moyo yesterday said he hoped the matter would be resolved soon.