THE trial of suspended Manicaland Zanu PF chairman Mike Madiro and deputy Dorothy Mabika accused of stealing President Robert Mugabe’s birthday cattle continued, yesterday with the accused maintaining that their prosecution was political.

Report by Obey Manayiti

They accused one of the State witnesses, Kenneth Saruchera, the party’s provincial secretary for administration, of secretly holding private meetings with party secretary for administration Didymus Mutasa to plot their downfall.

Mutasa has already testified and denied allegations of persecuting Madiro and Mabika.

Saruchera told the court that according to party procedure, when a donation was made it should be declared to the provincial executive. If there were any leftovers, they should also be declared and made known to the entire executive.

He said as the provincial secretary for administration, he was told that Mabika had gone to the party office to make insertions into the minutes of previous meetings so that they read as if the executive knew about the alleged stolen beasts.

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During cross-examination, the defence accused Saruchera of burning midnight oil together with Mutasa and others to try and topple them. The accused claimed on February 10, Saruchera and others convened a meeting at Mutasa’s house where the plot was discussed.

However, Saruchera denied the claims, saying he had not attended any meeting to discuss the downfall of the accused.  Lucie-Anne Mungwari presided over the matter while Jane-Rose Matsikidze prosecuted.

Earlier, Mabika appeared separately on charges of stealing six calves, but claimed they died because of lack of supplementary milk. Both matters continue today.