The Voluntary Media Council of Zimbabwe (VMCZ) has launched two awards aimed at promoting and upholding professional standards of reporting by both journalists and their media houses.


VMCZ said it will present a prestigious award to the most ethical media house and another to the best news reporter award in November as a way of promoting ethical news coverage.

To this end the media ethics board which was set up by journalists and incorporated members of the public has set up a committee of five judges to monitor stories for ethical violations, adherence and professionalism.

VMCZ director Loughty Dube said in line with the watchdog’s mandate, they mooted the awards which seek to celebrate the good works by both individuals and organisations.

“We want to recognize and celebrate excellence in media houses and individuals across the country, we will be monitoring media houses who have the courage to offer apologies when they realize they got the facts wrong without being forced to do so and those that always strive to get it right all the time,” he said.

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VMCZ receives media complains from anyone who feels they have had their reputation injured by stories carried in any media source.

The watchdog then bring the journalist and editor responsible for the story together with the injured part and resolve the matter in the shortest possible time without resorting to the lengthy and often expensive legal route and use of lawyers.