A PASTOR from the Flames of Fire Church in Waterfalls, Harare, will today appear at the Mbare Magistrates’ Courts for sentence on charges of assaulting a female neighbour whom he accused of spreading falsehoods about him.


Gills Mangalias (33) pleaded guilty to the assault charge yesterday when he appeared before magistrate Shelly Zvenyika and pledged to fund his neighbour’s medical costs.

The court heard that on July 11 this year, Mangalias had a misunderstanding with Dorcas Chowozayi over some gossip issues. During the argument, Mangalias allegedly turned violent and struck Chowozayi with an empty bottle and dish before he went on to pour water on her face.

A medical affidavit produced in court confirmed that Chowozayi sustained injuries as a result of the assault.

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“She accused me of calling her a prostitute and asked whether I had ever slept with her,” Mangalias said.

He also said he did not intend to beat Chowozayi, but was defending himself from her after she assaulted him with a piece of wood. Tinashe Chihota prosecuted.