SOME illegal vendors have filed for compensation for loss of goods and physical assault by Harare municipal police during a recent blitz targeting traders operating at undesignated sites in the central business district.


The vendors’ lawyer, Belinda Chinowawa, in a letter dated July 31 and addressed to acting town clerk Josephine Ncube, said her clients were demanding compensation for loss of goods and injuries sustained during the raids.

“Our clients (Emma Eferemu and Phinos Karambwe) advise that on July 10 2015, they were both subjected to assaults by unidentified members of the Harare Metropolitan Police. In particular, Ms Eferemu was dragged for a distance of over five metres, resulting in injury to her thighs, hips and knees,” the letter read in part.

“The assaults were not only physically debilitating, but resulted in grave embarrassment for our clients as they were perpetrated in full view of the public,” Chinowawa wrote.

Harare Municipal police destroy tables belonging to vendors operating at the corner of Julius Nyerere Way and Charter Road this morning.

“In the premise, we are instructed to demand from you, as we hereby do, payment in the sum of $5 000, each to our clients as damages for pain and suffering, and $2 400 as special damages for medical expenses.”

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In a separate letter, another group of vendors known as the Unemployed Mobile Youth Foundation has demanded the return of its members’ confiscated goods.

“At the crack of dawn on July 10 2015, members of the Harare Metropolitan Police descended on the open space between Julius Nyerere Way and Jason Moyo Avenue where our clients had set up tents and tables to sell their wares,” the letter states.

“The municipal police officers proceeded to confiscate tents, tables and bags containing goods for sale sourced by our client’s members. To date, despite verbal requests by some of our members, the confiscated goods have not been returned, gravely prejudicing them of income.” Council spokesperson Michael Chideme declined to comment saying the matter was sub judice.