THE 15 college students arrested at a nude party at a private home in Westgate, Harare, three months ago, are likely to walk away with community service sentences after being convicted of a lesser offence of public nuisance.

by Paidamoyo Mzulu

Harare magistrate Takundwa Mtetwa yesterday convicted the delinquent juveniles on their own pleas of guilty and ordered that they be vetted for community service before they are sentenced today.

The teenagers, who are students from different private colleges in the capital, were arrested on May 19 at a noisy pool party while wearing skimpy clothes and swimming costumes as they celebrated their colleague Sasha Simone Museta’s belated birthday.

“I find you guilty on your own plea and therefore order you to go to the community services department for assessment before I sentence you,” Mtetwa said.

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Museta is jointly charged with Staicy Makombe, Memory Chasara, Marian Madamombe, Shamiso Kadzinga, Thoriso Chisaira, Keshel Magaso, Tatenda Maponga, Kundishora Munashe, Isaac Kuda Katsande, Brendon Mahembe, Sheon Matuku, Elvis Musika, Juliet Phiri and Masimba Mudzingwa.

According to the State, on the day in question, the scantly-dressed teenagers were making a lot of noise that breached the peace of other neighbours as the party was held in the afternoon.

“The police officers found the accused persons gathered at the swimming pool, some of them wearing swimming costumes, shorts and skin tights dancing to loud music which was coming from large speakers connected to a laptop,” the State said.

“The noise made by the accused persons who were acting in common purpose interfered with the ordinary comfort, convenience, peace or quiet of the neighbours.”

Patience Chimusaru appeared for the State.