View pictures of some of the events at the ninth edition of the Sanganai/Hlanganai World Tourism expo held at the Zimbabwe International Trade Fair grounds in Bulawayo last week.
Bulawayo dance groups, Iyasa and Siyaya, in a joint performance on the second day of the Sanganai /Hlanganani ExpoTop musician Jeys Marabini performs on stage at the first day of the Sanganai/ Hlanganani World Tourism ExpoSociety for Incentive Travel Excellence chair Tes Proos speaks to attendees of the Travel Incentive TrainingPUM Netherlands senior expert Joop Boere presenting at the Sanganai-Hlanganani world tourism expo ICT workshopPop singer Gemma Griffiths perfoming at the welcome cocktailMinister of Tourism Walter Mzembi touring the stands at the Sanganai/ Hlanganani World Tourism ExpoMinister of Tourism Walter Mzembi touring the stands at the Sanganai/ Hlanganani World Tourism ExpoBulawayo dance groups, Iyasa and Siyaya, in a joint performance on the second day of the Sanganai /Hlanganani ExpoBulawayo dance groups, Iyasa and Siyaya, in a joint performance on the second day of the Sanganai /Hlanganani ExpoBuyers at the Sanganai/ Hlanganani World Tourism ExpoChief of staff for Pacific Asia Tourism Association (PATA) Dale Lawrence shake hands with Zimbabwe Tourism Authority chief executive officer Karikoga Kaseke after the signing ceremony of a Memorandum of UnderstandingHarare Publicity Association team poses for a photo after winning the Sanganai/ Hlanganani World Tourism Expo best publicity association stand award