Zanu PF’s annual conference roars into life in Bulawayo today with focus on the controversial push by President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s supporters to endorse a resolution extending his  term of office.

Mnangagwa’s supporters have launched a spirited push for a term extension with observers indicating that the agenda would be tested at the conference.

The President has, however, been unequivocal using various platforms that he would go and  “rest” after his second and final term expires in 2028.

Sources yesterday said the conference could go either way as some affiliates have come out in support of Mnangagwa, who has called for constitutionalism vowing to step aside after his second term.

The push for a term extension has also led to Vice-President Constantine Chiwenga’s supporters to launch a counter-offensive by attacking those who they say are going against the party and country’s constitution.

“The pushback we have seen inrecent weeks against the ED2030 campaign could continue during the conference but there are two scenarios to expect,” a party insider said.

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“Firstly, the party leadership could make sure that the divisive issue is avoided during the conference because they would not want it to play out in the public.

‘Secondly, it could be embarrassing for both Mnangagwa and Chiwenga for their backers to start fighting in front of the leadership and at such a grand platform.

“However, it would not be surprising if one or two members would let the proverbial cat out of the bag and chant the controversial slogan in front of Chiwenga who seems against it.”

Chiwenga has made it clear that the slogan was not sanctioned by the party.

Zanu PF central committee members meeting at the party headquarters in Harare reportedly demanded answers from Mnangagwa and Chiwenga over the rift in the party’s leadership.

Zanu PF national spokesperson Christopher Mutsvangwa confirmed that the issues of factionalism came up during the central committee meeting.

“There are issues which people are raising because I do not want to look like we dodge issues. There was a lot of hullabaloo on social media about this and that, about that,” he said.

“People were mentioning some names and people were saying this about that, about this, because we are a democratic party, but it never distracts us from the central mission of Zanu PF, the delivery of prosperity and a modern economy.”

Meanwhile, civic society groups in Bulawayo yesterday warned Zanu PF against using the region as a battlefield amid reports of infighting within the party.

In a statement, former Mthwakazi Republic Party National Executive Council chairperson, Mudenda Chilumbo, urged Zanu PF to concentrate on fixing the ailing Zimbabwean economy as a matter of emergency other than concentrating on their power struggles.

“If Zanu PF’s annual conference is going to endorse Mnangagwa for the same reason, we declare it as a modifying blunder,” he said.

Former freedom fighter Max Mkandla said those endorsing Mnangagwa’s third term had selfish interests.

“Even if that is adopted during the conference it would not work if the nation at large did not have an input in it,” he said.