LEADING poultry and egg producer, Irvine’s Zimbabwe, has committed to continuously invest in the community by producing highly affordable, high-quality protein for all Zimbabweans.

Irvine’s technical and operations director Rob Armstrong made the remarks during the World Egg Day commemorations recently.

The commemorations ran under the theme United by Eggs and Irvines donated more than 10 boxes of eggs and 100kg of chicken to Jairos Jiri Association.

“Our presence here at Jairos Jiri today reflects our continued investment in our community and reminds us why we do what we do, to produce affordable, high-quality protein for all Zimbabweans and ensures it reaches those who need it the most,” he said.

Armstrong said his company was committed to the people of Zimbabwe as seen through training farmers and building schools and clinics.

“By choosing local, you support Zimbabwean egg farmers, helping build stronger, more resilient community,” he said.

Armstrong said more than 90% of broilers they process come from local contract farmers, which is a testament to the community and shared growth.

Jairos Jiri Association for Rehabilitation of the Disabled and Blind national executive director Wilson Ruvere said the egg and chicken producer’s donation showed the spirit of partnership.

“The association derives immense inspiration from this outstanding and very rare sense of social responsibility, distinctive empathy for people with disabilities and unrelenting dedication towards the amelioration of their plight by noble citizens of our country,” he said.

Ruvere said the support they had received made it possible for Jairos Jiri to serve 18 500 people with disabilities annually through outreach and follow up programmes.

“In addition, the association runs 16 centres, where 1 200 children and adults receive treatment, care and education,” he said.