THE Zimbabwe School Examinations Council (Zimsec) has allegedly failed to pay some service providers for vehicles hired to transport examination papers last year.

Zimsec contracted vehicle owners via the Central Mechanical and Equipment Department (CMED) to transport exam papers between October and November.

The vehicles were hired at a rate of US$152 per day to deliver examination papers for Grade Seven, Ordinary and Advanced Levels to various centres.

This was after Zimsec had introduced a new exam delivery strategy to secure question papers and  curb leakages.

According to vehicle car owners, they were expecting to be paid in the United States, at least US$4 000, for car hire services.

However, NewsDay last week heard that the Zimsec has failed to honour the contracts with some vehicle owners claiming that they were paid in drips and drabs in local currency.

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“All that we want is our money,” said one disgruntled individual who hired out his vehicle.

Zimsec spokesperson Nicky Moyo, however, said they paid service providers for the car hire services.

“There were no individuals who were directly contracted by Zimsec,” Moyo said.

“There was an organisation which had the tender to supply vehicles to Zimsec. Zimsec made payment to the said organisation.

“If there are individuals who have queries, they are encouraged to contact the contracting organisation for assistance.”

However, affected individuals said they were being directed back to the examinations’ body for any outstanding payments.

No comment could be obtained from CMED.

Early this year, CMED spokesperson Tarisai Muzorori was quoted saying the examinations body had made part payments for vehicle hire services.

“CMED has received part payment for the service rendered to ZIMSEC,” Muzorori was quoted saying.

“However, the money was disbursed to the support service providers in accordance with the portion received. They once paid us some local currency but still they did not give us the US dollar.”