HARARE town clerk Hosiah Chisango has been suspended on charges of fraudulently awarding a US$9,2 million streetlight tender to Zanu PF-linked businesspersons.

Chisango faces a litany of other charges that mayor Jacob Mafume said constituted serious misconduct and violated the Urban Councils Act.

He has been suspended with effect from September 30, 2024 with benefits.

“You misconducted yourself in the procurement and award of a tender for streetlighting to Juluka Enndo Enterprises in that you awarded the contract to a blacklisted company which had a record of breaching its tender obligations,” Mafume said at full council meeting yesterday.

“Or that you awarded a tender to a company owned by proprietors of blacklisted companies, thereby exposing council to potential financial losses.

“In doing so, you failed one of your primary functions as the accounting officer, which is to protect the council’s interests.”

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Four other council bosses were dragged to court for awarding the streetlighting tender to Juluka Enndo Joint Venture.

The National Prosecuting Authority of Zimbabwe alleges that the accused persons showed favour to Juluka Enndo Joint Venture by awarding it the tender.

The City of Harare, acting on their recommendations, entered into a contract with Juluka Enndo Joint Venture and prepared an advance payment of over US$9 million.

This act, according to the court, was intended to extend undue favour to the company.

Mafume also said the town clerk cost the municipality potential revenues for five years by failing to have a proper billing system in place.

“As the accounting officer, you have failed to secure an effective Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Software and System support for the management of council’s billing and accounting systems for about five years,” Mafume said.

Chisango was also accused of awarding himself an exmployment contract without the approval of the Local Government ministry.

“At the expiry of your fixed term contract around July 2023, you proceeded to give yourself a contract without limit of time without the knowledge and authority of council and without the approval of the Local Government Board in terms of section 132(1) of the Urban Councils Act,” Mafume said.

“This has resulted in the failure to carry out statutory audits, to obtain timeous budget approvals and has also led to adverse reports by the Auditor-General.

“Moreso, you have generally mishandled the ERP procurement and tender processes, leading to several court challenges and attracted negative publicity, thereby putting the name of the organisation into disrepute.”

Chisango’s suspension comes at a time when a commission of inquiry is investigating Harare City Council operations from 2017 to date.

The commission has unearthed massive corruption, irregular appointments and looting by senior management.

Chisango yesterday attended full council meeting and later left.