THE water augmentation project at the Kasese housing scheme in Kariba has made significant strides, with reports indicating that it is 60% complete.

The initiative is being spearheaded by the government in partnership with the Kariba Municipality and is aimed at enhancing the water supply infrastructure in the town while addressing long-standing issues related to water scarcity and quality.

Recognising the critical need for improved water supply, council initiated this project to ensure that all households have access to clean and safe drinking water.

The project is part of a broader strategy to improve living conditions and promote sustainable development in the area.

According to National Housing and Social Amenities minister Zhemu Soda, who toured Kasese housing project on Friday last week, the progress made thus far is promising.

"With 60% of the work completed, the project is on track to meet its deadlines. The ongoing construction includes the installation of new pipelines, water storage facilities and treatment plants designed to enhance the efficiency of water distribution,” Soda said.

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“The intention is to have those units provided to the people that got affected by the relocation of the Mahombekombe area. The settlement in Mahombekombe came about as a result of the people that constructed Kariba Dam way back in 1916, that settlement continued to grow and people have been staying under the high loads which is a hazard.”

He said government was committed to ensuring that residents were properly accommodated.

“The progress that has so far been achieved in terms of  water reticulation which has progressed much higher than all other activities that are supposed to be done such as road construction, sewage and water reticulation.

“The water augmentation facility of five million litres is being constructed and the contractor just indicated that these facilities are almost complete and overally, the whole project is close to 60% of completion.

“The water augmentation project at the Kasese housing scheme represents a significant investment in the region's infrastructure and the well-being of its residents.

“With 60% of the project completed, the community is hopeful for a future where access to clean water is no longer a challenge, paving the way for healthier and more prosperous living conditions.”

The Kasese housing scheme is a significant development that was designed to benefit approximately 1 500 households, offering a solution to families, including those living under powerlines, who have faced challenges in securing safe and stable housing.

The budget for the entire project is estimated at US$14 million, with US$7,2 million allocated specifically for the Kasese component.