A POLICEMAN has been jailed 20 years for killing a man during a raid on suspected armed robbers at a farm in the Midlands province.

Mitch Tafirenyika, who was a member of the crack team assigned to arrest suspected armed robbers, was convicted for murder by the High Court sitting in Gweru last week.

He was slapped with a 20-year jail term.

In a statement, the National Prosecuting Authority of Zimbabwe said Tafirenyika committed the crime when he and his team were assigned to raid and arrest armed robbery suspects, namely Tichaona Mazhanduki and Doubt Munsaka at Radway Farm in the Midlands.

Tafirenyika and other members of the crack team were armed with service rifles and when they got to the farm the team split into four groups and surrounded the house.

They knocked and the now deceased opened the door and Tafirenyika immediately discharged his fire arm and shot the deceased several times on the chest and arms.

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The victim died on the spot.