A 54-YEAR-OLD man was last week arraigned before the magistrates courts facing charges of theft of trust property involving US$42 900.

Harare magistrate Patricia Kamwana, however, released Morgan Muwodzeri on US$250 bail ordering him to continue residing at his given address and to surrender his passport to the clerk of court.

It is the State’s case that in a period extending from January 2021 to July this year, Eugenia Nyamuturira entrusted Muwodzeri with the custody of a Nissan Pathfinder belonging to Shadreck Munyuki who is based in the United Kingdom.

Sometime in June this year, Muwodzeri, without the consent of Nyamuturira, allegedly surrendered the vehicle to Lekka Micro-Finance as collateral for a loan.

Later in the same month, Nyamuturira reportedly instructed Muwodzeri to avail the motor vehicle and he failed.

A police report was made leading to Mawodzeri’s arrest.

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In another case which occurred in December last year, Munyuki allegedly sent Muwodzeri US$12 300 from the United Kingdom for safekeeping.

The court heard that the money was for the purchase of a plot at a later stage.

Munyuki reportedly directed Muwodzeri to release the money and he failed.

Investigations led to Muwodzeri’s arrest who had allegedly converted the money to his own use.

On a third count, during the period extending from January 2022 to June this year, Nyamuturira entrusted Muwodzeri with the safekeeping of US$12 000 which he allegedly converted for his own use.

Rufaro Chonzi represented the State.