VETERANS of the Liberation Struggle ministry secretary Clive Mphambela was yesterday laid to rest at the Glen Forest cemetery following his tragic death.

Mphambela, who is a former Zimbabwe Independent journalist, succumbed to injuries sustained in a road accident.

He was 51.

Reports said he was on his way to a work seminar in Masvingo when the vehicle he was travelling in rammed into a stationary vehicle near Chivhu along the Harare-Masvingo Highway.

Mphambela had been in a coma since the accident until he passed away on Saturday morning on his 51st birthday.

President Emmerson Mnangagwa also paid a visit to the Mphambela family in Westgate to console them.

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In his eulogy, Mnangagwa praised the late Mphambela’s dedication to serving his country.

He said Mphambela distinguished himself resulting in him being assigned to several government departments.

Top government officials led by chief secretary Martin Rushwaya also expressed their condolences to the Mphambela family yesterday.

Meanwhile, the Zimbabwe National Liberation War Veteran Association has said although they had known Mphambela for a short period, he had established his professional presence in the hearts and minds of the generality of the veterans through dedication, passion, soft and ethical approach to his duties.

“Unlike most technocrats of his age and space, Cde Clive proved his unequivocal wisdom and ability to comprehend and proffer solutions to the challenges facing the veterans of the liberation struggle fraternity and was just in time and in place to handle the seemingly insurmountable equation,” the association’s spokesperson Sam Parirenyatwa said.