A 49-YEAR-OLD man from Cement Side, Umguza, Matebeleland North province was last week sentenced to six months in jail for defrauding Jasbro Foods of US$1 300.

Nobath Nyambuya pleaded guilty to the charge when he appeared before Bulawayo magistrate Vakayi Douglas Chikwekwe, who sentenced him to six months imprisonment, but suspended three months for five years on conditions of good behaviour. The other three months were suspended on condition that he pays restitution.

Nyambuya has been supplying Jasbro Foods with sugar beans for quite some time.

However, agreed facts are that on September 13 last year, Jasbro Foods placed an order for 32 tonnes of sugar beans with Nyambuya. The payment for the order was going to be made on delivery of the product based on the price Nyambuya was going to pay farmers.

The court heard that Nyambuya requested US$1 300 for transport, which would be deducted from the purchase price. Nyambuya was given the US$1 300 with the 32 tonnes of sugar beans expected to be delivered within a week.

Nyambuya, however, failed to deliver and a follow-up was made four days later and Nyambuya indicated that a delivery truck had developed a mechanical problem which was being attended to, but he later became evasive.

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The matter was reported to the police leading to Nyambuya’s arrest.