THE recently-ended annual Intwasa Arts Festival koBulawayo saw two well-attended comedy shows on Friday and Saturday night at Divine car wash in partnership with Umahlekisa Comedy Club, but two artistes were missing in action.


Clive Chigubhu and Christian comedian Nceku — who were scheduled to perform on Friday and Saturday respectively — did not turn up for the arts fete.

This becomes the second time in two months Chigubhu has not attended Umahlekisa Comedy Shows where he had been billed to perform.

The first comedy show, held on Friday night, was supposed to feature Chigubhu, Zwexy Mackena and Harare-based Comic Pastor, while on Saturday Nceku was supposed to join MaForty and T1nda on the stage.

“I was in Victoria Falls doing skits and I had an unfortunate situation there which led to me leaving later than the initial time, hence I got here (Bulawayo) late around 10pm. I apologise to my fans that came to support us. It wasn’t intentional, my timing was wrong,” said Chigubhu.

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Nceku said he failed to pitch up after he was held up by family commitments“somewhere”.

“It’s unfortunate that I failed to attend the show. It’s because I was held up somewhere due to other business that is not arts related. I am not at liberty to reveal where I was, all I can say is I was dealing with something family-related,” he said before apologising to his fans.

Organisers were forced to replace Chigubhu with Nama winning Mandla Da Comedian.

Umahlekisa comedy club Director Ntando Moyo said although the two comedians did not turn up, the shows went ahead as scheduled.

“Chigubu couldn’t make it from previous engagements on time and so did Nceku. I guess it was an issue of time management on their part, but all the same their absence was not a blow to the shows as people were satisfied by the acts that showed up, including some surprise ones,” he said.

“Overall, it was a huge success. Seeing people filling up the venue as well as acts giving a good account of themselves. Despite the disappointment of some acts failing to turn up, which is a point we aim to fix in our future programming, the shows were good, the audience was awesome and the venue was a revelation.”