AN AFRICAN modelling and fashion platform titled Model Entertainment Afrika has been launched to advocate for the professional promotion and exposure of African beauty and talent.


The platform is a digital modelling portfolio and virtual fashion runway where different models will showcase fashion from different designers around the world.

Speaking to NewsDay Life & Style yesterday, business entrepreneur and founder of the website, Mike Mandoza said the idea of launching the platform came after the recent cancellation of Zimbabwe’s participation in the Miss world pageant which was spoiled by lack of support from cooperates.

“Due to the recent cancellation of Zimbabwe’s participation in the Global “Miss World” pageant 2019, owing to the lack of moral and corporate support, coupled with financial and organisational constraints, a ray of hope shimmers in our new online digital platform and the cultural agency decided to give the limelight to the African beauties and talented designers,” he said.

Mandoza said the site has become phenomenally active and visible throughout the African continent and in other western countries. It is hoped the platform would help establish Zimbabwe and Africa on the global fashion and modelling arena.

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Mandoza added that the platform is meant to promote African business, culture and tourism. “The website is a multi-functional humanitarian institution promoting African beauty, African values, culture, heritage, tourism and hospitality, as well as business and education,” he said.

Mandoza, who was recently studying digital arts and film making said Africa had a massive untapped digital creative economy potential.

“The concept of the creative economy, particularly in Africa, is an evolving idea that has the possibility of gaining global acceptance and traction in contemporary thinking about economic development if people adapt digital technology,” he said.

Mandoza sees his innovative development as an all-encompassing virtual model agency with the potential to help improve the lives of the African model and girlchild.

He said his long-term interest in fashion, culture, design and film industry inspired him to create this ground-breaking portal.

Now at an advanced stage, the portal is expected to offer deportment and etiquette training for those select models wanting to further their careers.