Talented local visual artist David Chinyama will represent the country at a prestigious international arts showcase in Monaco titled “Arcolart 2011” this month.

Chinyama will be among the world’s celebrated visual artists who will take part at the annual showcase that runs from September 20 to 25.

Painters, sculptors, actors, musicians, designers, filmmakers, writers, dancers and fashion designers will take part in the show.

According to the organisers of the show, “Arcolat 2011” intends to shed new light on original artworks and to let the public discover other aspects of the creativity of artists that explore and are passionate about universes different from their usual genres.

“More and more, the artists are ‘touching’ upon a variety of fields because creation means liberty of thought, explosion of ideas and imagination. Researching, experimenting, studying, finding the means for new expression, discovering new materials and mediums, the fascination of creating new images, using the power of artistic passion in order to accomplish works of art,” exhibition organisers noted in a statement.

“The show boasts great international talent. Jean Cocteau involved himself in so many fields, film, theatre, scenography; Julian Schnabel, a successful painter makes movies; talented actors like Joseph Gordon-Levitt, James Franco or Juliette Binoche start making videos, publishing books, painting, doing multimedia art and Tom Ford, the designer ‘star’ temporarily leaves fashion and follows his passion for cinema.

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“Hussein Chalayan makes fashion a work of art; Karl Lagerfeld, a passionate photographer, transforms his fashion shows in real shows, and there are more and more examples.”

Chinyama said he would gain a lot from rubbing shoulders with the world’s best artists.

“I feel greatly honoured to be invited to be among the world’s great artists. I will be the only African at the expo and it is a great achievement for me and the country at large,” said Chinyama.

The exhibition aims at opening opportunities for young people who want to express their creativity and are seeking their own artistic path, showing there are no barriers and limitations for flying free in the contemporary artistic universe and that a child’s dream may become reality.

“The show wants to ‘shine’ a light on artists’ works who, although come from the four corners of the world, are driven by the same ideas and passions:

to make their creativity re-appear in new and different ways of expression and to renew their own artistic universe; push the experiment and the research further, not being stuck in their own field of creation and not feeling the constraints to express and to impose themselves on unexplored grounds, in order to bring a fresh look,” said the organisers.

They added that the show would be unique because it would be a time “to see painting through the eyes of a filmmaker and the other way around; to compose music with the power of a sculptor; to sculpt with the sensitivity of an actor; to play with the vigour of a designer; to take pictures with the experience of a journalist; to create installations with the know-how of a fashion designer.”