BULAWAYO, Mar.21 (NewsDayLive) - The standoff between comedian MamaVee and dancehall chanter Holy10 has escalated with the former threatening to sue the young musician for defamation.

MamaVee,real name Admire Mushambi early this week threatened legal action against Holy10 for allegedly labelling him a homosexual twice on instagram.  He is demanding US$100 000 damages.

“On the 4th of march 2025 on your instagram page you posted a video where you uttered a statement to the effect that he is a homosexual.

“To be specific,you mentioned in vernacular that whilst recording a video that our client is a “ngochani”, which translates that our client is a homosexual," MamaVee’s lawyers  said in a letter to Holy10.

"Furthermore,on the 18th of May you were interviewed by Owen Madondo aka DJ Olla 7 on the Olla 7 podcast show.

“The interview was published to the general public.During the interview you uttered a statement that to the effect that our client is a homosexual and bad influence on young people and for that matter did not deserve a NAMA Award.

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“You even had the audacity to great(greet) our client by saying (hesi ngochani) when you fortuitously met on a plane on your way to Zimbabwe.”

But Instagram users have suggested that MamaVee should engage the young chanter to resolve their differences and avoid taking the legal route.