Christianity has since time immemorial been accused of seeking to subjugate women, shoving them into some kind of a straitjacket where they have to pander to the whims of men who control the levers of power not only in society in general, but in the Church, in particular.

Report by Phillip Chidavaenzi

Admittedly, in some church denominations, women have had to snugly adapt to its patriarchal strictures and consequently ignored that women don’t come in one size – but each is created uniquely – so this is not a “one–size–fits–all” because real women of God do not conform.

The denominations referred to seem more comfortable with a certain kind of woman. This is the docile housewife who spends all the time at home minding the kids, doing the laundry and cooking for the demi–god in her life going by the name “hubby”.

Here, I am going to share with you a few insights into the heights that women can scale if only society allows them the opportunity to flourish in the manner God has created them.

It’s important to appreciate that real women of God transcend societal boundaries. Christians in general often shun politics on the basis that it’s a “worldly” field fraught with many pitfalls. This implies that for the Christian woman, this is even unimaginable.

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But the Bible tells the story of one woman who should serve as an inspiration to the Christian woman of today. Deborah was the first female judge of Israel.

During her 40–year reign in Israel, she proved herself to be a wise and courageous judge to whom “the children of Israel came up to her for judgment” (Judges 4:5).

A Christian woman’s judgment must be respected and people should come to her for counsel. Deborah also led the children of Israel in successful military campaigns against their enemies. The issue of her gender was not a factor.

Christian women, whom I choose to call “Daddy’s Girls”, are also called to shine in the market place. A woman of God carries weight in the business circles and in the work place. She doesn’t play second fiddle to men, but commands their respect. Of the virtuous woman, the Bible says “she considereth a field, and buyeth it: with the fruit of her hands she planteth a vineyard” (Proverbs 6:16).

I, therefore, challenge my sisters in Christ to take on the business arena.

Daddy’s Girls experience divine visitations from the Lord. There is nothing as exciting in your walk of faith as divine encounters with your heavenly Father. As Daddy’s Girl, you can always be assured that when your Father shows up, your destiny is about to be changed.

Two women in the Bible — Mary and her older cousin Elizabeth — experienced such visitations and changed the course of history (Luke 1:26–32, 39–45). Daddy’s Girls are called to impact the world. History will not write them off because they will play such a role that they will be guaranteed a lasting legacy.

“Daddy’s Girls” are women of service. The Bible relates the story of 84–year–old Anna, a widow that “departed not from the temple, but served God with fastings and prayers night and day” (Luke 2:37). She was a woman of service. She served the Lord with passion. Real women of God are distinguished by service. Anna’s constant presence in the temple highlights that she spent time in the presence of the Lord. Daddy’s Girls also honour the Lord with their substance. They support the ministry with their material things, just like Mary, Joanna and Susanna. (Luke 8:3).

Daddy’s Girls make a difference in the lives of others. As Daddy’s Girl, you are not supposed to be selfish. You reach out to others. In the book of Acts, we are told of a Daddy’s Girl called Dorcas — or Tabitha. Her death covered the whole Joppa with a dark cloud of mourning. Why? She shared her life with the widows in her community (Acts 9:39).

There was a situation here. If Dorcas hadn’t been Daddy’s Girl — one that reached out to the needy, downtrodden and forsaken — no one would have called for Peter.

But here was a virtuous Daddy’s Girl who “stretcheth out her hand to the poor, yea, she reacheth forth her hands to the needy” (Proverbs 31:20). This is a clarion call to all women in the Church.

If Dorcas hadn’t been a Daddy’s Girl, there wouldn’t have been a miracle. There wouldn’t have been a resurrection. Daddy’s Girls command a resurrection to every dead situation because their style moves heaven. These girls leave a legacy.

Daddy’s Girls add value to their husbands. Proverbs 31:23 says the husband of Daddy’s Girl “is known among the elders of the land”. The husband’s public profile, which, according to the fine print, is quite high, is closely linked to the personality of his virtuous wife. Daddy’s Girls “make” their husbands.

Pilate was quite reluctant over crucifying Jesus. He only certified that move after the Jews had arm–twisted him.

His reluctance was born out of the counsel he had received from his wife who had advised him “have thou nothing to do with that just man: for I have suffered many things this day in a dream because of him” (Matthew 27:19).

If you are a Christian man, there is folly in ignoring the advice of the Daddy’s Girl in your life.