THE Directorate of Veterinary Services (DVS) has revealed that it has stocked adequate dipping chemicals for the entire country to ensure weekly dipping of livestock for the summer 2024/25 agricultural season.

DVS, a department under the Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Development ministry, is mandated to promote animal health and welfare through the provision of disease surveillance, prevention and control services for the benefit of the animal industry.

In responses to NewsDay Business, the DVS said that in recent years, tick-borne diseases had accounted for more than 60% of annual livestock mortalities, with the January disease accounting for more than 75% of these mortalities. This has escalated efforts by the DVS to ensure there is adequate dipping chemicals for the country’s inquiries by livestock population.

The key livestock species in the country are cattle, goats and poultry.

“In order to effectively control ticks and tick-borne diseases they transmit, the Directorate of Veterinary Services has adopted the Integrated tick and tick-borne disease control strategy. The cornerstone of the strategy is strategic dipping, where dipping activities are being complemented by acaricide resistance monitoring and weekly dipping in the summer season,” DVS said.

“Under this strategic dipping approach, tick resistance profiles to specific dipping chemicals are continually evaluated to ensure effective cattle dipping. The use of tick – borne disease vaccines against Theileriosis (January Disease), Anaplasmosis (Gall Sickness) and Babesiosis (Redwater) is one of the key components in the implementation of the Integrated tick and tick-borne disease control strategy.

“DVS has also adequate stocks of tick grease, for distribution to cattle farmers under the Presidential Blitz Tick Grease Programme, to complement cattle dipping targeting one million households in the upcoming summer season.”

The directorate will also be carrying out an accelerated dip tank rehabilitation plan before the rainy season to revamp the country’s dipping infrastructure.

In 2024, a total of 5 000 dip tanks have been earmarked for rehabilitation with 396 having been completed.

“Currently the Directorate of Veterinary Services is producing three tick-borne disease vaccines, namely BOLVAC (January Disease), Gall Sickness and Redwater. These vaccines are being used to vaccinate cattle under the Integrated Tick and Tick-Borne Disease Strategy,” DVS said.

“For the 2024/2025 summer season DVS is targeting more than 350 000 doses of January Disease vaccine, 100 000 doses each of the Redwater and Gall Sickness vaccines. DVS plans to upscale the production of these three tick-borne disease vaccines in order to increase vaccination coverage.”