Companies that violate these regulations face fines or penalties.
Faced with record greenhouse gas concentrations and unpredictable weather patterns, there is need for action to arrest the situation.
The storm and subsequent flooding and landslides left 340 people dead and many others missing.
There is no doubt that freeriding undermines global efforts to address climate change, it creates an inequitable distribution of the costs and burdens associated with the climate crisis.
Climate litigation is crucial in tackling climate change and driving policy changes towards a sustainable future.
Applying the ubuntu philosophy could be a gamechanger in achieving net zero emission, building adaption strategies and resilient communities.
The economic environment creates a vicious cycle where businesses prioritise immediate survival over long-term vision and leadership becomes reactive rather than proactive.
He wasn’t bad at his job, Magara told me, but his focus was on maintaining the status quo, while Sigauke pushed boundaries and motivated his team to innovate.
Innovation and leadership are two intertwined forces that often determine the longevity and success of organisations.
Resilience and adaptability are key traits in leadership, particularly in today’s fast-paced world, where change is constant.