One can conclude, therefore, that Hamas has become a victim of its own success it allowed its hatred for Israel to cloud its better, more practical and intelligent judgement.
The unrecognised challenge that fell on the shoulders of our leaders and us as a people on April 18, 1980 was to define independence. Unfortunately, nobody did so.
Forty-four years have passed, our parents who either fought or assisted the liberation fighters are dying, impoverished.
Nor the one that says that God(s) exists to serve the will of humankind and not the other way round.
The present, therefore, is not the time for Israel to end the war, but it could be for Hamas.
Throughout recorded military history, insurgent forces have enjoyed one crucial advantage over the conventional forces they have faced.
My takeaway from the Paris Olympics is the old philosopher’s mantra: We need to question everything, even the unremarkable.
Driving under the influence of any intoxicating substance known to man is considered the norm.
The SDA member claimed that the devil was very clever and had led most Christians away from the Sabbath Day (Saturday).
Fast forward one month I was due to pay my first installment. I went to one of their branches along First Street on September 30.
In Zimbabwe we had frigid temperatures in October, South Africa received record levels of snow.
It is the end of decent conservative politics and the beginning of near-to-far right extremism in American politics.
In Zimbabwe today, higher education has become everything it is not: a sexy adornment to one’s persona, status symbol or a career stepping stone.