Local arts and crafts traders in this tourist hotspot decry increasing competition from hotels and lodges, which they say is not only stealing their heritage but denying them a livelihood.
Peer counselling programmes are alleviating this issue by ensuring adolescents and young adults improve adherence and cope with their status.
The best way to finance agriculture is not through government, given its tendency to write off debts.
Residents of Muchesu fear that they will be displaced without proper compensation because of coal mining operations near their village.
Advertising is the main business model across Zimbabwean media, according to a 2020 study by Media Monitors, a local think tank.
Advertising is the main business model across Zimbabwean media, according to a 2020 study by Media Monitors, a local think tank.
CAROLINE (21) gazes at her toddler and recollects how the monotony of the coronavirus lockdown led her into a controversial love affair.
Teachers aren’t adequately trained to offer this kind of education, she adds. “Just like a sports teacher where a teacher can have a degree in sport, the same should be done for sex education.”
According to the Zimbabwe National Statistics Agency, robberies increased from 2017 to 2019, with the number of armed robberies almost doubling from 2018 to 2019.
Healthcare professionals say the amendment violates their rights and will demoralise healthcare workers and hasten their exodus from Zimbabwe.
By Global Press Journal May. 19, 2023
After spending two days there without receiving emergency care, Robby transferred to a private hospital with the hope of saving his legs.
While Rose said she was content with her choice to leave, she’s aware that her departure has created problems for her former colleagues.