The Apostolic Faith Mission (AFM) Church in Zimbabwe has recently been hogging the limelight for the wrong reasons.


The church has been rocked by in-house fighting and it has been infiltrated by unrepentant, disorganised, selfish people, who always want to advance their interests rather than God’s.

This has grossly tarnished the image and face of the church by exhibiting unprofessional behaviour and lack of self-belonging.

It is embarrassing to see the fighting escalating to such levels for the past decade or so. Some members have since stopped seeking God and have devoted much of their time to witch-hunting, rumour-mongering, fuelling hatred and behaving in an unbecoming manner.

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There are disturbing reports in the media that violence within the church has taken centre stage.

Recently, violence broke out at the church’s three Harare assemblies during Sunday services as congregants protested against the transfer of their pastors to other assemblies.

Innocent members, who went for church services were inconvenienced by such behaviour.

More services have been disrupted and it actually has occurred when most members are embarking on fasting sessions.

The church has been robbed of its original integrity, as some of its members have turned the pulpit into a boxing ring, where some rogue elements have stormed services and threatened to beat up congregants.

I am worried about where this kind of behaviour is going to take us. This kind of spirit needs to be exorcised as quickly as possible before it spreads like a veld fire. There are some transfer disputes that I think are the main cause of such problems within the church. There is lack of engagement between the church leaders and the congregants when it comes to transfer issues.

I am not putting the blame solely on members, but also the church leadership, which has failed to deal with such issues for a long time.

The leaders should have consultative meetings and map a way forward to solve such problems. They should also adhere to the AFM constitution, which must not be twisted to suit their interests. The church leaders must brace for new leadership facets in this new millennium

The church does not belong to anybody, but everyone who feels like joining it. AFM is a big brand, should not be tarnished by a few individuals who want to advance their interests at the expense of the majority.

This is the right time to equip the church with the Word of God for any eventuality that might arise during the course of the year.

Let’s put our differences aside and pave way for God to advance the church.

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