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Supplement: Zimbabwe institute of Geomatics (ZIG)

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•INTRODUCTION Zimbabwe Institute of Geomatics (ZIG) was formed on the 13th of March 2018 in response to the need for change in ways of handling Geomatics matters, the use of the “Surveying” term in this modern world is slowly being phased out as the new order gives birth to the use of a term “Geomatics” […]


Zimbabwe Institute of Geomatics (ZIG) was formed on the 13th of March 2018 in response to the need for change in ways of handling Geomatics matters, the use of the “Surveying” term in this modern world is slowly being phased out as the new order gives birth to the use of a term “Geomatics” which clearly encompasses all the disciplines. This Institute therefore seeks to address all the issues currently being experienced in the Geomatics industry in Zimbabwe and serves the interest of the young and old, the experienced and the inexperienced, the vulnerable and the powerful. ZIG seeks to address the need for change in the roles involved in shaping this profession using the energy expected from the young Geomaticians coupled with the knowledge and experience from our respected seniors of this wonderful profession.

What is Geomatics? Geomatics is both a professional discipline and an applied science. It is made up of several fields that include Geographic Information Science (GISc), Engineering Surveying, Land/Cadastral Surveying, Mining Surveying, Remote Sensing, Geodesy and Photogrammetry. Most people in Zimbabwe are familiar with the cadastral surveying which deals with property boundaries delineation. Geomatics involves the art and science of measurement, analysis, management, and display of objects on, above and below the earth’s surface. Geomatics professionals use satellite, laser, acoustic, and information technologies to acquire, process and manage the spatial/geographical data. They also use their specialist skills, knowledge, and understanding in order to provide services that meet the needs of society and which contribute to social and political stability, quality of life and the management of natural and man made resources.

Zimbabwe Institute of Geomatics seeks to also ensure that Students, Graduates and Practitioners have an equal opportunity for training and professional recognition in their areas of expertise. The institute seeks to create a system that guarantees all disciplines in the Geomatics field, full professional recognition by all organizations including the Zimbabwean government. The fundamental principle of the Institute is to have members that uphold and advance the reliability, reputation and dignity of the Geomatics profession.


The only Geomatics field which is recognizable in Zimbabwe is the Cadastral Surveying discipline. The other fields are inconspicuous due to the lack of establishments that cater for them. We therefore need to facilitate regulation of other fields so that we create professionals in the Non-Cadastral disciplines. Non-Cadastral practitioners should then open their private firms regulated by a Geomatics Practitioners Act. Almost all the graduates that are churned out of tertiary institutions get swallowed in the Cadastral survey field or they get stranded, not knowing what to do next. This institute is therefore formed to close that gap and facilitate creation of Non-cadastral firms which will then be able to employ and train our fresh graduates from learning institutions. The formation of Non-Cadastral firms will also help in creating industrial training opportunities for our current students studying Geomatics courses.

Zimbabwe Institute of Geomatics (ZIG) will help in making sure that our students at Tertiary Institutions receive proper training acceptable to the job market by engaging these training institutions with regard to the composition and structure of the courses that they offer.

Zimbabwe Institute of Geomatics (ZIG) will provide real professional stimulus to both the public and members by creating visibility in the built environment through awareness programmes. There has been a serious gap in the market with regard to Non-Cadastral disciplines, and against this backdrop, it is common practice for clients, including government, that require the services of experts in this field to outsource from other professions or neighbouring countries.

Some of the people who are engaged to carry out the jobs have no sound background of Geomatics, leading to erroneous surveys and defective Geomatics deliverables. The lack of regulation in this area create challenges for Government or clients in holding the persons doing the work accountable. Some of the people cannot even be traced in future in case we need them to take responsibility and accountability on the projects. ZIG will seek the involvement of our members in good standing who are kept on record with the Institute to do all projects of national interest or otherwise.


In a nutshell the establishment of Zimbabwe Institute of Geomatics (ZIG) aims to:

•Ensure Geomatics projects are done by qualified and professional persons through continuous engagements with the relevant ministries of Zimbabwe Government and other stakeholders to give work to our tried and tested persons in our membership;

•Facilitate the creation of regulated Geomatics firms dealing with Non- Cadastral issues thereby making sure that our unemployed graduates get employment and professional development;

•Promoting interest in Geomatics and to enhance the usefulness of this profession to the public;

•Enhance or further technical and professional development in the Geomatics field thereby improving the ability of members to provide competent, qualitative and valuable service;

•Maintain professional integrity when dealing with other professions;

•Engage relevant stakeholders including Government of Zimbabwe in lobbying for the enactment of a Geomatics Practitioners Act including review of statutes related to Geomatics.

•Assist Geomatics students in getting proper industrial training during attachments and linking course outlines with real world Geomatics challenges in the job market.

•Create Geomatics Youth Network (GYN) for learning and continuous engagement by our students and young members with other international forums like the FIG Young Surveyors Network (YSN).

•Ensure affordable Membership fees to accommodate the entire Geomatics family.


•Participated in the Land Survey Regulations Review.

•Took part of the Stakeholders meeting organised for the inception of the encompassing Surveying & Geomatics Practitioners Bill and we have ZIG members as part of the Bill Committee.

•Engagement of principals of government departments, planning authorities, state owned entities, organisations and companies that are involved in Geomatics in remapping the landscape in this profession(ongoing process)

•Social media public awareness drive on various platforms including Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook and WhatsApp (on going process)

•Established the Zimbabwe Institute of Geomatics Youth Network (ZIGYN)

•Drafted a Position paper for the input of Geomatics & the Profession in Infrastructure Development in Zimbabwe.

•Identified areas in society that require Geomatics Professional expertise and came up with an Engagement Management plan for work reservation in all sectors of the economy.

•Successful planning of the ZIG launch and inaugural AGM to be held from the 17th to 18th of August 2018


Zimbabwe Institute of Geomatics (ZIG) is now made up of 256 members to date which includes 132 student members from the tertiary institutes that offer Geomatics programs. Our aim is to ensure that by next year, the majority of the over 1440 geomatics students, graduates and practitioners are within ZIG. Therefore, we are inviting applications from all prospective members in the entire Geomatics fraternity to join the call for the betterment of our profession. This is an invitation for Students studying Geomatics courses, Fresh Graduates, Technicians, Technologists and Professionals to be part of the Institute and membership joining is FREE of charge pending the Annual General Meeting (AGM) which will be held from 17-18 of August 2018 at ZESA National Training Centre. The membership subscription fees will be decided by members at this Inaugural General Meeting together with the appointment of the Executive Committee to run the Institute. Currently there is an Interim Committee running and coordinating the affairs of the Institute till a substantive executive committee is selected at the Annual General Meeting.

“ZIG is where every Geomatics voice matters and every Geomatics matter is voiced.”


Email: admin@zig.org.zw Tell: +263 77 454 4561/+263 77 321 8642