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Re-thinking leadership

Opinion & Analysis
The year 2018 has now come to an end, and we have to re-think leadership. If you are a manager, CEO or leader, this will be a great article for you to cut and stick in your office. It shows the differences between a weak and strong leader. I will give you 40 signs of […]

The year 2018 has now come to an end, and we have to re-think leadership. If you are a manager, CEO or leader, this will be a great article for you to cut and stick in your office. It shows the differences between a weak and strong leader. I will give you 40 signs of weak and strong leaders


Leadership and potential

Weak leaders maul potential. Great leaders mold potential.

Weak leaders feel threatened by super-talented followers. Great leaders derive joy in the success of their followers.

Weak leaders thwart talent. Great leaders discover, develop and delegate talent.

Weak leaders jeer and sneer at the demise of other people. A strong leader gives a helping hand and care to those on the canvas.

Identifying and growing leaders

Weak leaders grow followers. Great leaders develop followers into leaders.

Weak leaders don’t invest in training others. Great leaders know that corporate growth first starts with personal growth.

Weak leaders don’t empower others. Great leaders expose others to great learning opportunities.

Weak leaders think leadership is about the number of followers. Great leaders know that is about the number of followers that have been developed into leaders.

Emotional intelligence

Weak leaders think that leadership is only the function of intelligence quotient (IQ). Great leaders know that exceptional and excellent leadership comes from IQ with emotional quotient.

Weak leaders can’t apologise for their mistakes, mishaps or missteps. Great leaders garner more trust and buy-ins by using a genuine apology. Weak leaders always want to receive praise. Great leaders give out praise. Weak leaders want all the credit. Great leaders give credit to team effort.

Dealing with people

Weak leaders have people working for them. Great leaders serve people.

Weak leaders strive by oppressing the weak. Strong leaders get their power from empowering the weak.

Weak leaders use command, cruelty, and kleptocracy. Strong leaders cultivate a spirit of communication, courtesy, civility, and care.

Weak leaders want to catch you doing the wrong things and demote you. Great leaders love to find you doing great and promote you.

Weak leaders use force and fear! Strong leaders use influence and intuition.

Weak leader use force and position to lead. Great leaders first touch the heart and then followers use their head and hand without cohesion.

Dealing with followers

Weak leaders suppress followers; strong leaders free their followers.

Weak leaders use “manipulation”, strong leaders use “motivation”.

Weak leaders want people who “take” orders. Strong leaders make followers “think” through solutions.

Weak leaders tell their followers “what” to do, strong leaders involve followers in answering “why” they are doing things.

Weak-minded leaders take pleasure in bringing others down. Strong leaders take pleasure in going up with others.

Treasuring ideas

Weak leaders prefer a top-down situation in the flow of ideas. Great leaders are always looking at the next bounce of the ball, and this comes as an idea from unlikely places.

Weak leaders dislike differing opinions. Great leaders know that there is creativity in diversity.

Weak leaders are secretive and keep the vision to themselves. Great leaders share the vision and seek buy-ins.

Failing forward

Weak leaders are afraid of mistakes. Great leaders learn from mistakes.

Weak leaders hate failing. Great leaders fuel their wisdom using failure.

Weak leaders concentrate on the chances of failing. Great leaders look at the opportunities available and chances of winning. Weak leaders are good at pointing to the mistakes of followers. Great leaders compliment their followers, even for the small things.

Weak leaders are a problem in themselves. Great Leaders solve problems.

Weak leaders see problems in opportunities. Great leaders see opportunities in problems.

Dealing with change

Weak leaders are always controlled by a change in circumstances. Great leaders create that change.

Weak leaders wait for the future. Great leaders create the future.

Ordinary leaders strive for popularity. Great leaders strive for influence and impact

Weak leaders fear, freeze, frizzle and flee because of the storm. Strong leaders know that turbulent times build great leaders.

Weak leaders go and groan through the storm. Strong leaders grow and are groomed through the storm. Learning agility Weak leaders “know it all”. Strong leaders are always learning.

Weak leaders follow known formulae. Great leaders try new things.

Weak leaders are concerned with what must be done (Activity-driven). Great leaders are consumed and learn why it must be done (Purpose-driven)

Average leaders feed on entertainment and grow in funny and flimsy ideas. Smart leaders read quality books and develop their bank of quality ideas.