A ZIMBABWEAN James M Manyika was on Friday appointed into the United States President’s Global Development Council in a major milestone for the University of Zimbabwe graduate.
Staff Reporter/jewishtimes.com Manyika, who is currently the director of the McKinsey Global Institute and a senior partner at McKinsey& Company, was among 12 people appointed by President Barack Obama into key administration posts.
“These dedicated and accomplished individuals will be value additions to my administration as we tackle the important challenges facing America,” Obama said.
“I look forward to working with them in the months and years ahead.”
According to a report in yesterday’s edition of the Baltimore Jewish Times, prior to joining McKinsey, Manyika served on the engineering faculty at Oxford University and was elected research fellow at Balliol College at the same institution.
In 2001, Manyika was appointed to the Innovation Advisory Board at the Department of Commerce.
He is a trustee at the Aspen Institution and the World Affairs Council of Carlifonia and serves on the advisory boards of the University of Carlifonia at Berkeley’s School of Information and Havard University’s Du Bois Institute for African and African American Research,
Manyika was a Rhodes scholar and received a BSc from the UZ and MA. MSc and D Phil from Oxford University.